Hello everyone,
We moved the giant pile of mulch on Monday, did some more yard cleaning, and kind of took yesterday off .
But, yesterday I started taking the sidecar frame off the bike and taking it apart. I took all the pieces off it and this morning I sanded the frame and set it outside and sandblasted the places I couldn’t sand.
I decided to paint the frames with rattle cans, just so I can repair scratches and paint chips easier than powder coating.( and cheaper!) At the moment I don’t have any paint but I should be able to pick some up tomorrow. I’ve asked Shop Teacher Bob to make a new bushing for the cross shaft of the sidecar brake. Somewhere in its life someone cut the end of the tube it goes in off, only a couple of inches and they lost the crossover linkage. I managed to find one a few months ( or years) back. I figure the rod is3/4” and with it missing those couple of inches on the tube the rod won’t deflect at all. So when he gets me the bushing all I’ll have to do is drive it in and drill a hole in the tube and bushing for a grease fitting. When that happens the entire frame for the side hack should be completely done! 1 step down!!
We’ll I think that’s all for now.
Talk to you soon,
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