Hello everyone,
It’s been two weeks since the surgery and I’m improving everyday. Don’t quite feel like a spring chicken yet, but maybe by spring I will!
Well, as far as the the van starter deal goes, went out when the weather warmed up and the damn thing cranked right up! Not sure what that’s all about but, I decided to not replace it for now.
I finally finished the complete installation of the battery isolator setup and it tests out fine.
I made up a cover for it so I can still see the fuses. Had a hard time finding a convenient “key on” power supply, but that damn van has about 5 different fuse blocks on it! Bought an “add a circuit” setup so both sides are fused and it seems to be fine.
I have to work on the extra chair mount setup this week and then I think we’re going to christen the van by going and seeing our youngest son next weekend.
Well, I think that’s all for now.
Talk to you soon,