Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Still alive and kicking

 Hello everyone

I’m sorry, I kind of dropped out of sight for a little bit after my health crisis last August. Just to let you know, I just had my last stress test and everything is good. I’m doing a little exercise regiment and a new diet and I’m hoping to go for a few more years! Woohoo!!

I am finally going to do what I actually started this blog to do, and that is finish the Harley! Yes, believe it or not.

So, I’m progressing slowly( as always!), but I’ve got some things accomplished and some more things in the works. Firstly, I managed to get all four of the rims powder coated. 

I’ve got four sets of stainless steel spokes and I’m going to lace up the wheels myself because I can’t find anyone in a one hundred mile radius that still does them!

Next, I’ve pulled out all the engine pieces and I found a guy that builds Harley engines and does all the machining, here pretty close. Just got off the phone with him and he says bring him up the parts and he’ll start checking everything over and do the machining .

I know it looks like a bunch of scrap, but when I’m done it absolutely won’t. 
I’m hoping to take all the parts up on Friday and drop them off, I told him I’m not in a huge hurry and that I’m just tying to line up things for this fall and winter. I’m hoping to be out riding by the first of March. I’ll keep you posted!

Well, I think that’s all for now. Talk to you soon,

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