Friday, February 21, 2025

Still progressing

 Hello everyone,

Still taking baby steps , but at least steps. Repaired some accessory light wiring for the bike rear fender and the hack fender, finished installing the switches on the left side handlebar and ran them to the fork terminal board. Checked to see what lights work and which ones need new bulbs.

Picked up the wheels and tires from HD and put the front one on to see how it fits in the fender I modified. I think it’s going to look just about right. I may have to make up some new mounting bracket but we’ll see.

Well, once again I can’t add pics, sometimes computers absolutely suck!!

I talked with the engine guy and he’s as slow as I am. He’s got the flywheels assembled and the cylinders are bored and honed, the heads are almost finished and he’s almost ready for assembly. I have to take the rocker covers up to him and also the timer ( distributor). Probably next week one day.

I’m getting closer to needing the engine back, I need it in the frame to mount the coil and a few more things to fit up around it.

I still need to order up the parts for the oil tank and probably more things I haven’t run across yet.

Well, I think that’s all for now, talk to you soon,


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Making some progress

 Hello everyone,

I talked to “Shop Teacher Bob” a couple of days ago and he got started on a couple of items I needed machined up. In the picture you can see a cardboard mockup of a new oil tank, I’ll have to order the bungs for the fittings and the bolts and the sheet metal, and “Bob” said he could build it for me. Part of the price for putting on the electric start kit.

I repaired the wiring in the right side handlebar and ordered two new switches for the left side with wiring and got those fed through the bar and mounted.

I had bought a repop springer fender for $20, to see if it would fit on the hydraulic front end, it was too wide by an inch. I put a piece of one inch tape down the middle and used a cutoff wheel and took out the inch. I tacked it back together and stuck it on there and I’m actually pretty happy with how it fits. That’s just a tire sort of centered in the opening, I took my wheels and tires to an H.D. dealer and had them mounted and balanced. They’re ready to be picked up, which will be next week sometime. Then, I’ll have a roller!

Have to get a hold of the engine guy next week and see where he’s at. I have a lot of welding to do, and some wiring I can do before the engine comes back. 

The plan is to get it running and driving, then take it apart for painting and maybe some chroming or rechroming, and then( hopefully) final assembly.

Well, I think that’s all for now.

Talk to you soon,


P.S. I figured out the picture thing again, what a pain in the ass!!